Monday, February 8, 2010

poor man's wang

  • 1 old H&M bag

  • 180+ red conical studs
  • an excess of free time...
The studs ended up matching the bag perfectly. I'm really stoked on how it turned out. Now if I can just force myself to tote it around as I usually stick to bags I can sling around me.

Winter formal is coming up! I think I know what I'm wearing!

1 comment:

Orchid Grey said...

may I ask where you found the colored studs? I've been looking for colored ones for awhile, and don't really feel like spray painting my own...also, the most amazing grilled cheese sandwich: 2 slices wheat bread, cheddar cheese, thinly sliced green apples, thinly sliced red onion, spicy brown mustard- arrange any way you please, grill, and be happy!